Lecture Slides & Video Recordings

Abstract booklet

ISM of galaxies youtube channel


SESSION I: Inventory of the ISM properties across galaxies

  • An observational view of the interstellar medium in nearby galaxies (Adam LEROY): SLIDES; VIDEO.
  • Observational inventory of the ISM of galaxies at the cosmic noon (David ELBAZ): SLIDES; VIDEO.
  • The ISM of the first galaxies - a theoretical perspective (Andrea FERRARA): SLIDES; VIDEO.
  • Molecular clouds and star formation in the Milky Way (Frédérique MOTTE): SLIDES; VIDEO.
  • Galactic observations of the multiphase magnetized ISM (François BOULANGER): SLIDES; VIDEO.

⟶ Round table (François BOULANGER, David ELBAZ, Andrea FERRARA, Adam LEROY): SLIDES; VIDEO.

SESSION II: Models to interpret ISM observations

  • Physics and spectrum of interstellar matter (Gary FERLAND): SLIDES; VIDEO.
  • Photodissociation models (PDR models; Émeric BRON): SLIDES; VIDEO.
  • Interstellar shock models (Sylvie CABRIT): SLIDES; VIDEO.
  • Interstellar dust properties and cosmic dust models (Karine DEMYK): SLIDES; VIDEO.
  • Dust and stars interplay in galaxies (Véronique BUAT): SLIDES; VIDEO.

⟶ Round table (Émeric BRON, Véronique BUAT, Sylvie CABRIT, Karine DEMYK, Gary FERLAND): SLIDES; VIDEO.

SESSION III: The perspective from numerical simulations

  • Star formation in the Milky Way: from clouds to protostars (Benoît COMMERÇON): SLIDES; VIDEO.
  • Large-scale galactic dynamics: the perspective from numerical simulations (Florent RENAUD): SLIDES; VIDEO.
  • Stellar feedback and its effects on the ISM and star formation regulation (Eve OSTRIKER): SLIDES; VIDEO.
  • Modeling metal and dust enrichment in the first galaxies (Raffaella SCHNEIDER): SLIDES; VIDEO.

⟶ Round table (Benoît COMMERÇON, Eve OSTRIKER, Florent RENAUD): SLIDES; VIDEO.


  • Hands-on project presentations (summer school students):
    • Project 1: Dust continuum and [CII] emission in a z~4.56 normal star-forming galaxy from ALPINE: SLIDES; VIDEO.
    • Project 2: Deriving dust mass and temperature in distant star-forming galaxies with DustEM: SLIDES; VIDEO.
    • Project 3: Studying the ionized and magnetic ISM with LOFAR: SLIDES; VIDEO.
    • Project 4: Millimeter rotational lines as powerful diagnostics of the physical conditions inside a Giant Molecular Cloud - The Orion B case: SLIDES; VIDEO.
    • Project 5: SINGS/KINGFISH galaxies spectral energy distribution fitting with CIGALE: SLIDES; VIDEO.
    • Project 6: Modelling interstellar shock observations: SLIDES; VIDEO.
    • Project 7: Cloudy workshop:
      • Group 1: Cosmic ray ecology using PDRs and Cloudy: SLIDES; VIDEO.
      • Group 2: Uncovering AGN's clouds with CLOUDY: SLIDES; VIDEO.
      • Group 3: CADEAU, Cloudy + ALMA Diagnostics for the EArly Universe: SLIDES; VIDEO.
    • Project 8: Dust properties of galaxies from the DustPedia sample: SLIDES; VIDEO.
    • Project 9: Turbulence statistics in nearby molecular clouds: SLIDES; VIDEO.
    • Project 10: Measuring rotation curves and mass profiles in nearby galaxies: SLIDES; VIDEO.
    • Project 11: Multi-scale and statistical analysis: SLIDES; VIDEO.
    • Project 12: Classifying the evolutionary states of Giant Molecular Clouds in M33: SLIDES; VIDEO.
    • Project 13: Molecular gas and star formation in spiral arms: SLIDES; VIDEO.
  • Concluding remarks (Frédéric GALLIANO): SLIDES; VIDEO.
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